1. dorcey said:

    Looks fabulous! I can’t wait to go there and sample those desserts, of course see you both too!
    love you,

  2. Can’t wait too, loads of goodies are coming your way and Lou loves singing your song! xo

  3. Helena said:

    Yum-yum! I went there once after you showed it to me last year. Don’t remember what i had, but most likely something delicious 🙂 But what about the iced chocolate at Mariebelle?! It’s hard to beat! I miss you! Love, Helena.

  4. leila said:

    what momma said! Hey ash check out this iphone app called EvernoteFood I think you would really like that. You can keep track of stuff you made too. http://www.evernote.com/food/ You can have it as an app on your phone, mac, and online so you can access it from almost anywhere. I use their basic evernote which I use for everything and just downloaded the food app.

  5. I’m still in HOT cocoa mode and Oli and I discovered a new cocoa address near Union Square, haha! Miss you two too xo

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